In the era of mechanization, there are various types of tillage implement like plogh, rotavator, ripper, power harrow, etc used for different applications, Disc harrow is one of them. The disc harrow is a secondary tillage implement used for soil preparation.
It helps in breaking up clods and surface crusts, enhances soil granulation and surface uniformity, and prevents weed growth and destroys already existing weeds.
What is a Disc Harrow from Tractor Agriculture
Types of Disc Harrows
These types of Disc Harrows are available in different sizes, gang arrangements according to different types of tractors. These are basically of 2 types.
Trailing Type
The Mounted Type Harrow is hitched to a three-point linkage of Tractor and is raised using hydraulic power when transportation is completed.
Disc Harrows are available in many forms like:
i) Single Action
ii) Double Action
iii) Offset Type
Single Action disk harrow
Single Action Disc Harrows cuts the soil in just one direction. The cutting width is usually between 4’ to 20’.
Double Action disk harrow
Double Action Disc Harrows also are named Tandem Disc Harrows. Here, Disks are arranged in such how that disc of front gang throws the soil in one direction and discs of rear gang throws the soil in another way. this sort of harrow facilitates the homogeneous mixing of soil. they're the most suitable option for such requirements.
Offset disk harrow
This type of harrows is often worked upon in an offset position i.e. why it's called offset harrow. one change in hitch makes the harrow to maneuver either to the left or right side of the tractor. this is often very fashionable nowadays because it gives a smooth soil.
Offset Discs are available in both mounted and trailing types. Their sizes vary consistent with the dimensions and capability of a tractor.
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